Use the kettle stitch if you need to sew three or more signatures to a book spine.
  1. Take the needle through the top hole and through the top of the signature. Leave a short thread. Make a simple running stitch through the first signature and spine until you reach the bottom hole.
  2. Pull the thread taught and make a stitch across to the next lines of holes and through the second signature. Do another running stitch until you reach the top and pull the thread taught. Tie a knot with the thread left from the first signature.
  3. Make a stitch across to the next line of holes and through the third signature. Do another running stitch until you reach the bottom and pull the thread taught. Put the needle under the small stitch left at the bottom and leave a loop. Cross over the thread and pull the needle through the loop to make a half-hitch knot.
  4. Continue to sew more signatures to the spine, finishing with a knot at the top to secure them in place.

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